My Role
I capture high end imagery to assist corporations relay their branding, marketing and advertising messages. Additionally I manage a team of 9 subcontractors including assistants, associate photographers, administration, social media and sales. My daily duties beyond that is being chief strategist, business development and culture officer. Creating the team atmosphere with contract workers is very important me. Making sure that they are not only compensated appropriately but appreciated as well.
What I love most about my role
With our business structure of corporate based imagery collaboration is king and it is what I love best about our work. The client comes into each shoot with a goal - a need- and our job as assignments photographers is to not only meet that need but assemble a team with the right skill set to accomplish it. So we bring together photographers, assistants, hair and makeup artists to bring the customers vision to life. It is very rewarding.
How I define success
When I was younger, I only correlated success with financial gain. As I have aged, I have found that having the time and resources to pour into others and into myself is more in important than simple wealth. I have enjoyed over the last 5 years sharing my knowledge into other photographers and business people through mentorship. I was fortunate to have my parents and grandparents to do the same with me and it is a joy to give that back.
The best piece of business advice I ever received was
Don't take it personally. It's just business.
Being in a creative field this was one of the hardest things for me to deal with, because my craft is personal. However, buyers have many reasons they make the choices they make and none of them have to do with me as an individual. Once they client decides that my style is the style of photography they are looking for then they have to navigate to budgets, time frames and even personalities involved. When working in professional services like I do (think doctors, lawyers, financial advisors, accountants), some of these individuals have strong dispositions and the marketing managers have to match that with the right photographer.
What would I tell my younger self
Take the vacation and definitely take the maternity leave! If you don't take care of yourself first, you can't take care of the business, your children and your team members.
What 2B Bolder mean to me
Be unique
Be yourself
Dream Big
I am not everyone's cup of tea - none of us are. For many years I was asked to water myself down to a lesser version of myself. Heck I was just told by a business associate that I need to be "a little less Lesle." You can imagine that did not sit well. So as I am progressing both personally and professionally and I am becoming more and more comfortable in my own skin - even if that means that I am too much for some. 2B bolder is to be me!
Years of Experience
I recommend you focus on developing these 3 skills to succeed in a role like mine
Problem Solving